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Wellness Programs

With community, we explore the psyche, philosophy, and contemplative practices to help you cultivate meaning in your life. You will work with Chrissie to move learn and embody what it means to live a life filled with magick. ​​

Harmony Within

Elemental Mastery Program

Balance Within

Chakra Alignment Journey

*If the cost of any program is a barrier to entry, payment plans and energetic exchange options are available.

We offer scholarships for LGBTQ+, BIPOC & other financially at-risk communities. Message to learn more.


Balance Within: A Chakra Alignment Journey

November 4th - December 30th, 2024 | Mondays 7:30pm EST on Zoom

Embark on a transformative 9-week journey through the chakra system with our online wellness program. Combining ancient yogic traditions with modern psychological insights, this course offers guided meditations, gentle yoga practices, and reflective lectures to deepen your understanding and balance your energy centers. Each week, you'll explore a different chakra, learn how to detect deficiencies and excess prana within each one, understand how these imbalances manifest in your life, and discover practical ways to bring your chakras back into harmony. With lifetime access to video recordings, an online workbook, and supportive community discussions, this program is designed to help you align your energy and live in harmony.

Join to gain access to:

  • Chakras 101 Workshop: History and familiarization of your energy body.

  • Eight Chakra-Focused Yoga Classes

  • Eight Chakra Meditations

  • Tools to detect chakra imbalances and restore harmony in your life

  • Heart Balance Ritual

  • Omni Chakra Workbook & Class Recordings FOR LIFE
    *If you miss a class, we'll make sure you get caught up!

To access Omni's Programs you'll be asked to create a Username/Password. All of Omni Temple's offerings are stored in one easy-to-navigate content library. Just click "Join". Sign up

using your Google, Facebook or Email, you can revisit your Omni Temple practices at any time.

*Students gain access to the workbook portal on November 1st, class begins November 4th.

Pay Upfront & Save $50

Balance Within Program Syllabus

Class 1: Chakra 101 Workshop
"Chakra 101" introduces students to the chakra system, guiding them through a chakra scan meditation to connect with each energy center. The class covers the history of the chakras, explains the differences between deficiencies and excesses, and includes a yoga sequence that allows students to explore each chakra through movement.


Class 2: Root Chakra (Muladhara)
This class focuses on the Root Chakra, the foundation of the chakra system, associated with grounding, security, and survival. Through meditation, education, and asana practice, students learn to identify imbalances in their Root Chakra and discover techniques to cultivate stability and balance in their lives.

Class 3: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The Sacral Chakra class dives into creativity, emotions, and pleasure, guiding students to connect with their inner flow and passions. The session includes a meditation to explore the energy of the Sacral Chakra, educational insights into it
s associations, and yoga poses to enhance creative expression and emotional well-being.

Class 4: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
In this class, students explore the Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of personal power, will, and self-esteem. Through meditation, asana practice, and reflection, they learn how to strengthen their sense of confidence and motivation, while balancing any excess or deficiency in this fiery energy center.


Class 5: Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The Heart Chakra class centers on love, compassion, and connection, helping students open their hearts to themselves and others. Students engage in a heart-centered meditation, explore the emotional and physical connections of the Heart Chakra, and practice asanas to foster openness and emotional healing.


Class 6: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
This class is dedicated to the Throat Chakra, which governs communication, self-expression, and truth. Students participate in a meditation focused on authentic expression, learn about the importance of clear communication, and practice yoga poses that support the energy flow in the throat area.


Class 7: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
In the Third Eye Chakra class, students delve into intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. The class includes a meditation to connect with the inner vision, education on how to tap into intuitive abilities, and yoga poses that help to awaken and balance the Third Eye Chakra.


Class 8: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
This class explores the Crown Chakra, the gateway to spiritual connection and higher consciousness. Students engage in meditation to connect with universal energy, learn about the role of the Crown Chakra in spiritual growth, and practice asanas that support the integration of all chakras with the Crown.


Class 9: Final Reflection and Chakra Ritual
The final class offers a space for reflection, discussion, and integration of the entire chakra journey. Students share their experiences and insights from the program, followed by a guided ritual that revisits all the chakras, bringing the energy centers into harmony as a culmination of their practice.


Embody the Goddess Seasonal Journey through the Female Archetypes

November 10th - December 22nd | Sundays 7:30pm est on Zoom

Join Emily Otto of Rebelle INC & Chrissie Bingham of Omni Temple for a transformative journey through the 7 Female Archetypes, where we'll explore the powerful goddesses who embody the Maiden, Lover, Mother, Warrior, Queen, Priestess, and Crone. Each week, we’ll dive into the history and mythology behind these archetypes, discussing how they can be called upon for guidance and empowerment based on your individual needs. Through invocation rituals, meditation, movement, music, food, poetry, and glamour magick, you’ll learn how to embody these divine energies in your daily life. This program is designed to help you step into your full feminine power, using ancient wisdom to live the life you truly desire.

Join to Gain Access To: 

  • 7 Goddess Workshops: Mythology of the goddesses to remind you of your power

  • Archetypal Mastery Practices: Identify & personify the archetypes to serve you

  • 7 Embodiment Rituals: Guided rituals featuring meditation, poetry, music, movement, foods, herbs, and other offerings to form a lasting relationship with each deity

  • Comprehensive Workbook: to guide you on your path through these archetypes

  • Lifetime Access to Class Recordings: Revisit the teachings, rituals, and practices for life

To access Omni's Programs you'll be asked to create a Username/Password. All of Omni Temple's offerings are stored in one easy-to-navigate content library. Just click "Join". Sign up
using your Google, Facebook or Email, you can revisit your Omni Temple practices at any time.


5 Elements . 5 Months . 5 Practices  |

What magick will unfold for you over the next 5 months? Bring chaos into order by harnessing the power of the five elements that shape our world - and your life. This program is designed for seekers who want to deepen their understanding of yoga, mental health, and witchcraft, and learn how to create positive change. Join a community of seekers supporting one another's practice as we uncover coping skills, breathwork, yoga, meditation, & rituals that serve as a roadmap to a more harmonious life. You will walk away from this program with a renewed sense of wonder, and an overabundance of therapeutic tools scientifically proven to cultivate joy. 

Join to gain access to:

  • Five Community Coaching & Breathwork Classes

  • Five Meditation Classes

  • Five Chakra Yoga Classes

  • Five Elemental Rituals

  • A personalized talisman from Dream Walker Arts 

  • 20 Page Elemental Workbook for life

To access Omni's Programs you'll be asked to create a Username/Password. All of Omni Temple's offerings are stored in one easy-to-navigate content library. Just click "Join". Sign up using your Google, Facebook or Email, you can revisit your Omni Temple practices at any time.

*Students gain access to the workbook portal on January 3rd, class begins January 6th.

Harmony Within: An Elemental Mastery Program

Self Inquiry . Breathwork . Meditation . Yoga . Ritual

Mondays 7:30pm EST on Zoom

January  6th - May 19th

Pay Upfront & Save $110!

Earth: Matter, Money & The Material Rhealms​

  • Class 1: Community Earth Coaching Circle

    • An exploration of Earth element associations from various cultural perspectives and an introduction to thought records and other CBT strategies focused on identifying and transforming negative core beliefs.

  • Class 2: Grounding Meditation

    • The practice, known as "Grounding," serves as a clinically recognized coping skill to bring attention back to the present moment and alleviate anxiety, with a bonus quest involving interpreting symbols encountered during the walk as a means of communication from the universe.

  • Class 3: Root Chakra (Muladhara) Yoga

    • The root chakra, Muladhara, is associated with grounding and stability. We will learn what an unbalanced root chakra feels like, and practices to bring the Muladhara back into balance. Together, we will move through asana to enhance your connection to the earth element, fostering a sense of rootedness and balance. 

  • Class 4: Earth Ritual for Transmutation of Shadow to Guardian

    • Utilizing archetypal parts work, symbolism (sigil magick), guided meditation & and intention setting we will alchemize the neurotic, shadows aspect of your unconscious mind into the guardian it was always meant to be. This is not a banishing ritual, it is integration. Befriending the hidden parts of ourselves.

Dry Woods

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